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ErrorUnitCentral Class
ErrorUnit Central Object that enables it all.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: ErrorUnit
Assembly: ErrorUnit (in ErrorUnit.dll) Version: 1.3.0
public class ErrorUnitCentral : IErrorUnitCentral, 
	IInjector, ILogger, IJsonSerializer

The ErrorUnitCentral type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic member_Injector
Gets or sets the injector.
Public propertyStatic member_Logger
Gets or sets the logger.
Public propertyErrorUnitInterceptor
ErrorUnit's DynamicProxy Intercept; so methods can have their errors recorded in ErrorUnit format.
Public propertyInjector
Gets or sets the injector.
Public propertyStatic memberInstance
Singleton Instance of ErrorUnitCentral
Public propertyJsonSerializer
Gets or sets the json serializer.
Public propertyLastErrorStack
Last Error Stack Thrown
Public propertyLogger
Gets or sets the logger.
Public propertyserializerSettings
Gets or sets the serializer settings.
Public methodStatic member_CleanUp
Cleans up Current stack; removing methods that have ended.
Public methodStatic member_CurrentStack_Add
Adds to the Current stack.
Public methodStatic member_DeserializeT
Deserializes the specified json.
Public methodStatic member_GenerateErrorPrecondition
Generate Error Precondition
Public methodStatic member_LinkInjectorT
Links the injector.
Public methodStatic member_SerializeT
Serializes the specified object.
Public methodStatic member_ThrowErrorStack
Throws the error stack.
Public methodCleanUp
Cleans up Current stack; removing methods that have ended.
Public methodCurrentStack_Add
Adds to the Current stack.
Public methodCurrentStack_EndWebCall
Ends a web call on Current Stack.
Public methodDeserializeT
Deserializes the specified json.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetErrorUnitJson
Gets the error unit json.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodLinkInjectorT(T)
Links the injector.
Public methodLinkInjectorT(T, IErrorUnitCentral)
Links the injector.
Public methodLog(Exception)
Logs the specified exception.
Public methodLog(String, Exception)
Logs the specified testable error json.
Public methodSerializeT
Serializes the specified object.
Public methodThrowErrorStack
Throws the error stack.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberUnitTesting
Sets ErrorUnit in Unit testing mode.
Public methodStatic memberWrapI

Create an ErrorUnit Proxy class, wrapping the specified class so that all exceptions from its interface methods and/or virtual methods are recorded in ErrorUnit format.

Alternately if you are already using Castle.DynamicProxy in your project you can just pass in _ErrorUnitInterceptor as a IInterceptor.

Public fieldStatic member_ErrorUnitInterceptor
ErrorUnit's DynamicProxy Intercept; so methods can have their errors recorded in ErrorUnit format.
Public fieldStatic memberCurrentlyUnitTesting
Indicates if we are currently in unit testing mode.
Public fieldStatic memberDontSerializeTypeMembers
List of type names and their specific members names (properties and fields) to skip serialization. i.e. DontSerializeTypeMembers.AddDontSerializeTypeMembers("Namespace.DeclaringTypeName","MemberName");
See Also